Brain Fog & Different Neurologic Signs Can Continue for Months Later Covid-19

The Top Neurologists confirm that the COVID-19 symptoms can linger on for weeks or months after their diagnosis. The symptoms range from fever to joint pain to double vision and hair loss. Even a professor at Indiana University School of Medicine states, "These people are not sick to be hospitalized, but they are struggling with severe symptoms for a very long time."

Apart from these symptoms, COVID-10 patients are suffering from brain fog and a few other neurological symptoms. A few Neurology Specialists state that the most severe effects of COVID-19 are the ones that impair the cognitive health and mental functioning of the patients. Along with brain fog resulting in loss of sharpness and focus, confusion at a larger scale is seen among the COVID-19 patients.

In a new study published in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, it is seen that more than 60% of the patients are prone to suffering from critical cognitive and neurological problems that are the result of COVID-19. The research on the COVID-19 'long haulers' showed that these people experienced symptoms that lasted for more than six weeks. These signs were neurological deficits, mental degradation, and other initial infections. Almost 81% of the people who participated in this survey stated that they face problems with their cognition, memory, and thinking.

On the other hand, the Neurologists found that long haulers are experiencing headaches, and more than half of these patients have lost the sense of smell, taste and experience numbness and muscle pain. Many of these long haulers reported lesser-known symptoms like blurred vision, dizziness, and ringing in their ears. However, a few patients were believed to feel okay after five months, but many still struggle with Brain Fog and other neurological symptoms.

The brain fog issue is seen on a large scale because the SARS-CoV-2 virus is neuro-invasive and enters the brain tissue first. The specialists have noticed increased levels of 'inflammatory cytokines' in the fluid surrounding the people's brain. This situation occurs after the COVID-19 infection. These cytokines are the molecules produced by your immune system that encourages inflammation. It hinders the neurons' ability to communicate with each other, and it leads to brain fog.

So, if you or your family member has recently been diagnosed with COVID-19 or you are a long hauler experiencing these symptoms and signs, then reach out to the Best Neurologists in NYC at Complete Neurological Care.


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