How Abnormal Behavior in a 7-year Old boy is a Neurological Problem?

A neurological disorder applies to any condition caused by a dysfunction in the part of the brain or nervous system, resulting in physical or psychological symptoms. This disorder involves the brain, spinal column, or nerves. The symptoms of a neurological imbalance depend upon where the damage has occurred. 


Neurological disorders occur in children when there is something abnormal in the brain, nervous system, or muscle cells. Children are either born with a disorder or acquire one later in life due to physical or emotional trauma.


CNC'S Pediatric Neurologists know how to treat them, but it can be difficult for you to understand when to seek medical care for such problems as an individual. Neurologists strongly believe that infants should get a neurological evaluation done during their development age. 


CNC'S Child Neurologists have listed down the following neurological symptoms that parents need to watch out for in their child:


Changes in Activity, reflexes, and movements


Since neurological disorders directly affect a child's brain's motor functions, one should look out for changes in the way their child walks or talks, or performs necessary activities like eating or drinking. 


Changes in Levels of Consciousness or mood


Another tell-tale sign of a neurological disorder is a change in the behavior of the child. It includes irritability, the tendency to cry, and whether the child remembers basic things taught to them. These include speech, ability to stand, sit to read the alphabets. In case the child starts to behave differently regarding these, it is time to visit a Pediatric Neurologist


Tremors or Seizures 

According to Child Neurologists, muscle rigidity and seizures are some of the most severe symptoms of the onset of a neurological problem. It is a condition in which generally the head and the hands shake uncontrollably and involuntarily. A seizure lasts for an average of 3 minutes. 


Apart from these symptoms, even problems like headaches, blurry vision, or numbing sensations in the body are signs of a neurological defect. Parents need to immediately seek medical help if they complain about any of these symptoms or any discomfort. Early diagnosis and immediate treatment are essential to save the child's future and not be taken lightly. Visit Pediatric Neurologist@ Complete Neurological Care Clinic 112-47 Queens Blvd #206, Queens, NY 11375.



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